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God The Father

We believe God is the Creator of everything, including every human being ever to live. We also believe He wants to have a relationship with each person. He is able to do this because God is everywhere, sees everything, and knows everything. We believe that God identifies Himself as our Father who dwells in Heaven. He is Holy and cannot be in a relationship with sinful human beings. 



We believe Jesus, God's Son, had a miraculous conception which we cannot explain and lived a model life for about 33 years on Earth. We believe He lived this life to show us that it is possible to live sinlessly and to show us compassion for our inability to do so. Because of this, He allowed Himself to be crucified as a sacrifice for all of humankind's sins. This was an innocent death that we remember on Good Friday. However, this was not the end, as we believe that on the third day, He defeated death and rose again to complete God's plan. We celebrate this event on Easter Sunday and every Sunday of the year.  


Holy Spirit 

We believe the Holy Spirit is the final piece of the puzzle we call a triune God. In other words, we believe that God is Three in One who reveals Himself to us as Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent to Earth after Jesus ascended into Heaven. The Holy Spirit is our guide to help Heaven come to earth, pointing us to Jesus and helping us daily. 



We believe sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives. Although each of us has a desire for good, all of us have displayed an attitude of disobedience towards God, and, therefore, we all fall short of God's desire for us to love Him and our neighbour. All sin leads to a life without a relationship with God. 



We believe that our default as humans is sin; we are all broken, which creates a separation between God and us. The only way to fix this is through faith that the Bible is true about the facts that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died and rose again and that it is through our belief in Jesus that we come into a relationship with God. Our relationship with God is built upon our desire to turn from sin and seek forgiveness and His desire to forgive us for everything we have done and continue to do as a result of our sinful nature. 



We believe the Bible tells the most powerful story in history and contains the truth about creation, the story of God's people, Jesus, and the church. It is our daily guide to discovering how to live life here on earth. The Bible is God's Word. It is accurate, authoritative, and applicable to our everyday lives.



We believe it is important to be in a relationship with others who have faith in Jesus. We call this the church. It is more than just meeting on Sunday; it’s about encouraging each other and living together as lights in the world. The more we gather, the brighter we become. 



We believe prayer is a way of connecting with our Father in Heaven. This is done through our relationship with Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.



We believe Hell is an eternal separation from God. The Bible defines it as a place we do not want to end up. It is where love ceases to exist. 



We believe Heaven is an eternal relationship with God in His presence. The Bible defines it as something we can experience now on earth and also a place we do want to end up. It is a place where love exists eternally.



We believe God is the only one worthy to judge. Because of this, we try our best as a community to love and not make judgments. Although we believe there are standards to a holy life, we all fall short and need Jesus and each other within the church to seek out help for our shortcomings. 



We believe that once we have accepted God's invitation into a relationship with Him as our Saviour and Lord, baptism by immersion is a way for us to declare our new life in Christ publicly. It is a step of obedience that does not physically change us, but it is a symbol as we follow the example of Jesus.






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